RSA Global Webinar Series – Latin America – Session on Academic Writing and Publishing

By Katharina Bürger, Conference and Events Officer Regional Studies Association, UK

The final session of the RSA Global Latin America was a panel on Academic Writing and Publishing, presented by Miguel Atienza (RSA Ambassador Chile and Universidad Católica del Norte Antofagasta, Chile) and Alejandra Trejo (RSA Ambassador Mexico, Chair of the RSA Latin America Division and El Colegio de México, Mexico). The discussion in the end was chaired and moderated by Daniela Carl (Regional Studies Association, UK).

In a first part, Miguel focused on publishing in journals, illustrating the peer review process and stages this entails. He provided valuable tips on how to prepare and structure an academic article, bearing in mind requirements of individual journals. He stressed that it is important not to give up after an article has been rejected, but instead to use the feedback as an opportunity to improve. He then went on to present the journal “Area, Development and Policy”, published by the RSA.

Alejandra in her presentation focused on publishing books. He stressed that it is important to research and write on an engaging topic and find the right publisher for your chosen area. Developing a robust proposal is essential for successfully securing a book contract. She covered the contents of a book proposal and suggested to keep good time management throughout the whole process of publishing a book. She also let webinar participants know that sometimes, a non-standard academic piece such as a blog article, can lead to further projects as in her case a book that she published. The audience engaged in a vibrant discussion around their own experiences with publishing in the end of the session.